What is the psychology of men who don't wear wedding rings? The problem of wearing or not wearing a wedding ring

What is the psychology of men who don't wear wedding rings? The problem of wearing or not wearing a wedding ring

Many women may be troubled by the thought, "My husband won't wear my wedding ring. Why doesn't my husband wear a wedding ring? We will consider the reasons and solutions.

Why men don't wear wedding rings

 A wedding ring purchased by two people as a symbol of their marriage. If you are going to go to the trouble, you want them to wear it. Moreover, wedding rings take a considerable amount of time and money to purchase. Everyone has some feelings about their wedding rings, so why don't they wear them? There are actually many reasons for "not wearing" wedding rings. For each of them, I would like to think of a solution to get them to wear it!

Cannot or do not want to wear it because of work

Some people, because of their work, are not allowed to wear jewelry, including wedding rings, on their hands. Some people, such as those who cook in restaurants, may not be allowed to do so for hygienic reasons.

Those who work in the medical field, especially nurses and caregivers who have a lot of contact with patients, may also avoid it even if it is not prohibited.

It is not that they cannot wear it, but some people do not want to wear it for the sake of the ring. Many people who work in jobs where machines are manufactured or repaired also do not want to wear them because they are easily scratched. A person who works in automobile repair said that he does not wear his ring during work because he has to grip tools so hard that it might deform the ring, not to mention scratches. Those who work with chemicals or use medicines, such as hairdressers, also said they do not want to wear them because they might discolor.

Not used to wearing rings.

Many people who are not used to wearing jewelry, including not only rings but also necklaces and watches, or who have never worn a ring before, are uncomfortable wearing a wedding band every day. Some people don't want to wear it because it feels uncomfortable on their fingers, they can't concentrate on their work because they are worried about their hands, and for various other reasons to which they are not accustomed.

I forget to put it on.

It is not that some people don't want to wear rings, but that some people simply forget to put them on. Those who spend the least amount of time getting ready in the morning seem to forget to put on their rings if they are not in the habit of wearing them.

I actually lost it.

It's not that I don't wear a wedding ring, it's just that I've lost it! It is not uncommon for a couple to lose their wedding rings. If you have lost it, unfortunately, you cannot wear it. Or, there are those who don't wear it because it is too important and they don't want to lose it.

If you don't want to lose it, please refer to this article. We hope you will wear your wedding ring.

I lost my wedding ring! 5 ways to avoid losing it.

A solution to get them to wear wedding rings.

There were a surprising number of reasons why I couldn't or didn't want to wear a wedding ring.

So, let's discuss how to put them on and come up with a solution for each of them.

Solution if you can't or don't want to wear it because of your work _ Wear it as a pendant

If your job does not allow you to wear a wedding band on your finger, how about wearing it as a pendant on a chain? If you are particular about the design of the chain and the material, it will look more like a "fashionable" ring than a "forced" ring. It would be fun for the two of you to look for a variety of materials, such as leather or string, in addition to metal chains.

Solution if you cannot or do not want to wear it because of your work _ Wear it only on holidays

If the jewelry itself is prohibited, you have no choice. Ask them to wear it on their days off. If your work is the only reason for not wearing it, then you can be sure that they will wear it on days when they do not have to work. If possible, we would like you to wear it only when you go out together.

Solution if you are not used to wearing a ring _ daily challenge for a limited period of time

If you are not used to wearing a ring, suggest wearing it daily for a short period of time anyway, say just a week. This is a trial period. Wearing a suit every day, carrying a cell phone, wearing contact lenses, or wearing a watch may not be familiar at first, but once you get into it, it will become a habit. If you wear your wedding ring every day, even for a short period of time, wearing your wedding ring will become a habit. Since this is a proposal from your significant other, he or she will be willing to try it, if only for a short period of time. Also, if you feel uncomfortable with the ring, it may not be the right size. Just as you would not wear tight rings so much if they were uncomfortable, you will gradually shy away from tight rings as well. Above all, wearing a tight ring is not good for your body. If the ring is too loose, it will spin around or bump against the next finger more than necessary, so it is not a good thing if it is not too tight. If the size is not right, check with the store where you purchased it to see if it can be resized.

Solution if you forget to put it on ________ Put it on!

If the couple forgets to put the rings on, you can put them on directly for them. Some couples make it a wedding-like ritual to put the rings on each other every morning. It is a very busy morning, but having time to communicate every morning, even if it is only for a moment, will help build a good marriage.

If it is difficult for you to put it on in time, it is recommended that you always place the ring in a place where you can see it.

It can be placed next to your glasses if you are the first person to put them on when you wake up in the morning, or with your keys if you use a bicycle or car to commute to work.

It would be a good idea to make a bedside place for the wedding ring.

Wedding rings and glasses together

Solution if you lose it_get a new one!

If you have lost it, it is very sad, but please do not be angry with him. I don't think you lost it on purpose.

If you want the same one, consult the store where you bought it. Alternatively, you can make a new pair of rings. If your wedding anniversary is coming up soon, make a new pair of rings together and have them wear them every day in place of your wedding rings. You, who haven't lost it, can wear it on a different finger, or have fun finding a ring design that can be stacked with your existing wedding ring.

It would be nice to make it for you as a surprise gift.

In fact, there were people who came to MITUBACI to have replacement rings made for rings they had lost.

It is also a good idea for two people to make a ring together at MITUBACI. You will love wearing your handmade wedding rings that you made together, and you will want to wear them every day.

Click here to learn more about MITUBACI's handmade wedding rings!

Even if you re-create it with two people at MITUBACI.

What to tell a man who won't wear a wedding ring

Ask them honestly why they won't put it on.

Let's start by honestly asking them why they are not wearing wedding rings.

Maybe you will get a cute but surprising answer, "Because it is too important and I don't want to lose it. Or maybe your job prohibits it, just because you don't know about it. After learning about the various reasons, please refer to the solution and think about the best way for the two of you.

Tell them you want them to wear wedding rings.

Have you ever told them that you want them to wear wedding rings?

He may not realize that you are insecure or sad about not wearing a wedding ring.

A wedding ring is a sign of marriage, so if you let them know you want them to wear it, they may soon start wearing it every day.

In a Nutshell

The wedding ring is an important keepsake, and you want him to wear it if possible. If he is not wearing a wedding ring, first ask him why.

After that, I hope this solution will be useful to you.

What is the psychology of men who don't wear wedding rings? The problem of wearing or not wearing a wedding ring
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